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Cookie Policy

In order to facilitate your navigation on the website, Atlantic Copper S.L.U. (hereinafter the ‘Provider‘), having its registered office at Av. Francisco Montenegro s/n, 21001 Huelva (Spain), holding Tax Identification Number B-79110482, informs you that it uses cookies or other files having a similar function (hereinafter the ‘cookies‘).

We inform you that the Provider is responsible for the cookies and for processing the data obtained through its own cookies and those of third parties, making decisions about the purpose, content and use of the processing of the information collected.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded onto the user’s device when they visit a web page.

Cookies are essential to internet function; they cannot damage the user’s computer/device and, if enabled in your browser settings, they help identify and resolve possible errors in the website’s functioning. Cookies have many purposes, such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences and, in general, improving your user experience.

The Provider’s use of cookies

By accepting the cookie notification that appears when you go onto a website or by configuring the cookies, you expressly agree to the use of such cookies on your device(s).  If you disable cookies, some of the utilities available on the website may not work properly.

Specifically, the Provider is using cookies for the purposes explained below. If the Provider uses others in the future in order to provide more and better services, the user will be informed.


Technical cookies are essential so you can browse through a website and use its features. Generally, these cookies enable the different features of the website, make your browsing safer, or provide features that you have requested previously. As they are required for the site’s operation, these default cookies will be enabled and cannot be rejected.

ATLANTIC COPPER may use the cookies needed to save your cookie configuration, stabilize your browsing or make it more secure.

Technical cookies Purpose Expir
aceptacookies Saves cookie consent settings. 5 years
Variable name Cookie used for PHP login. Required to save the cookie consent later. Session

These cookies are necessary for the website to function and therefore cannot be disabled.


These cookies make it possible to remember information so that you can access a service with certain features that may differentiate your experience from that of other users. These features may include language, the number of results to display when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service, or the region from which the service is accessed, etc. In the event that this personalization is necessary for the operation of the website or is requested directly by you, these cookies will remain active, as the website needs them in order to function.

Personalization cookies Purpose Expiry
Variable name Cookie used to determine the user’s country/language and display the website accordingly. 1 year

Analytics cookies

These cookies make it possible to track and analyze user behavior, including quantifying advertising impact.  The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the website, application or platform’s activity in order to introduce improvements based on an analysis of the data on how service users use the website.

You may accept or reject the installation of these cookies.

Suppliers and information on analytics cookies Purpose Expiry
GoogleAnalytics Google Analytics is a web analysis tool that uses cookie information to analyze the number of visitors and visits on our website, the average visit duration, the average number of pages viewed by each user, geographic and socio-demographic reports (depending on language, location, internet supplier, mobile device…). 2 years

Controlling and deleting cookies

With the Cookie Configuration Tool, you can reject or accept cookies that require your consent. You can also block and delete cookies by changing your browser settings.

Similarly, to manage cookies, most browsers allow you to reject or accept all cookies or accept only certain types of cookies. The process for managing and deleting cookies can be found in the ‘help’ function integrated in your browser. If you want to limit the use of cookies, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of our website.

You have the option to allow, block or delete cookies installed on your device using the option settings of the browser installed on your computer:

  • Firefox: web…
  • Chrome:
  • Explorer: explorer-dele
  • Safari:
  • Opera:

Notifications in the browser

If you agreed to receive pop-up window notifications when you opened the website, ATLANTIC COPPER will be able to send you pop-up notifications about news and content relevant to its social purpose. You can configure these pop-up notifications, whether for ATLANTIC COPPER or for other websites, through your browser settings or options.

Configuration on other platforms

As with computer browsers, mobile device browsers allow you to make changes to your privacy settings or options, to disable or remove cookies.

If you want to change the privacy options, follow the instructions provided by your mobile device browser developer.

Here are some examples of links that will guide you through how to change the privacy options on your mobile device:

  • Safari for IOS
  • Chrome for Android