Environmental excellence as the basis for our development
This Legal Notice contains the conditions of use of the www.atlantic-copper.es and www.rrhhatlanticcopper.com websites (hereinafter referred to as “Atlantic Copper’s Website). Its use confers user status on the visitor, which implies agreement with and a commitment to fulfil each and everyone of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice, in the version published at the time of access; hence, we recommend that users read this Legal Notice carefully every time they log onto Atlantic Copper’s Website. This Legal Notice will be valid regardless of the existence of other specific conditions applicable to certain services that are provided on Atlantic Copper’s Website.
Website Owner’s Identification Details
Name: Atlantic Copper, S.L.U. (hereinafter referred to as “Atlantic Copper”)
Registered office: Avda. Francisco Montenegro s/n, 21001 Huelva (Spain)
VAT No: B-79110482
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Huelva in Volume 536, Book 0, Folio 60, Page H-6003 (H), Entry 128
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Terms and Conditions of Use
The terms and conditions set down in this Legal Notice will be applicable to all of the pages contained in Atlantic Copper’s Website.
Access to Atlantic Copper’s Website is the users’ exclusive responsibility and entails acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.
The user must make lawful use of Atlantic Copper’s Website and its services in accordance with these terms and conditions of use and with applicable laws and regulations.
Atlantic Copper may unilaterally amend the terms and conditions of use of Atlantic Copper’s Website by posting them in this Legal Notice and they will become effective immediately following their publication.
Atlantic Copper is not responsible for nor warrants that access to Atlantic Copper’s Website will be uninterrupted or error free. Neither is it responsible for nor warrants that the contents and software that can be accessed through Atlantic Copper’s Website are free from error or harmless. Under no circumstances will Atlantic Copper be liable for any losses, damage or harm of any kind arising from accessing or browsing Atlantic Copper’s Website.
Atlantic Copper is not liable for any damage that may be caused to users for misuse of Atlantic Copper’s Website. In particular, it is not liable in any way whatsoever for any telecommunications crashes, interruptions, failures or faults that may occur while the user browses the website.
Atlantic Copper makes the utmost effort to prevent any errors in the contents posted on Atlantic Copper’s Website.
Atlantic Copper does not warrant nor is liable for any consequences that may result from errors in the contents posted on Atlantic Copper’s Website.
Validity of and Amendments to Atlantic Copper’s Website
The information posted on Atlantic Copper’s Website is valid on the date of its last revision. Atlantic Copper is not liable for the validity or suitability of the information contained on its website.
The user cannot alter, change, amend or adapt Atlantic Copper’s Website. Atlantic Copper reserves the right to make any revisions, changes or amendments it deems fit, being able to make use of such right at any time and without prior notice.
Atlantic Copper reserves the right to unilaterally amend the conditions and terms of use of Atlantic Copper’s Website, including this Legal Notice.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
Atlantic Copper’s Website, its font code and the contents that are protected by the Intellectual Property Act cannot be exploited, reproduced, distributed, amended, publicly communicated, assigned or transformed, unless expressly authorised by the rights’ owners.
Atlantic Copper is the owner or licensee of all of the rights over the contents of Atlantic Copper’s Website and legitimately holds their exploitation rights.
Any alteration in the contents or structure of Atlantic Copper’s Website by the user is strictly forbidden. Atlantic Copper reserves the right to exercise relevant judicial or extra-judicial actions against users who violate or infringe intellectual and industrial property rights.
Atlantic Copper’s Website may include access links (hyperlinks or links) to other websites that Atlantic Copper does not own. Under no circumstances will this possibility imply the existence of a relationship between Atlantic Copper and the owner of the third-party website the abovementioned hyperlink takes you to. Neither will Atlantic Copper be responsible for the lawfulness of the contents posted there.
Including a hyperlink to another third-party website on any Atlantic Copper Website is expressly forbidden, without its express authorisation.
Atlantic Copper’s Privacy Policy
For further information on our data protection and privacy policy, please consult our Privacy Policy.
Use of Cookies
You need to use cookies to use our website. Their purpose is to facilitate browsing and to offer a personalised, seamless service as well as a statistical tool to obtain statistical information on the use of the website. Under no circumstances are they used to store information that may identify the user. For further information, please consult our Cookies Policy.
Applicable Laws and Competent Jurisdiction
The terms and conditions that govern Atlantic Copper’s Website and any resulting relationships are regulated by Spanish laws and regulations.
Any dispute that may result from accessing or using Atlantic Copper’s Website is submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Huelva (Spain).
ATLANTIC COPPER, S.L.U. 2016 All rights reserved.