Environmental excellence as the basis for our development


A thousand professionals sharing concerns and dreams


Synonym of progress


A dynamic, innovative, efficient Company
The leading Spanish copper producer


As part of the philosophy of our Sole shareholder, Freeport-McMoRan, we at Atlantic Copper see it as essential to make economic and social progress compatible with protecting nature and people. We respect the right of future generations to enjoy a healthy environment and a livable-in planet, in accordance with the principles of sustainability.

As a result, Atlantic Copper has an extremely strict environmental policy designed according to strategies based on the continuous improvement system, where specific targets are set in order to constantly reduce the environmental impact of production processes. The company applies the finest technologies available to support these strategies.

Our Code of Environmental Conduct clearly states the environmental and climate commitments Atlantic Copper has taken. To ensure compliance, we have an integrated environmental management system called SIGMA, certified by AENOR as compliant with ISO 14001 since 1998. Also, since 1999 we have been releasing our Annual Environmental Reports, audited and registered under the EMAS Regulation (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme).

Our Energy Management System, whose objective is to continuously improve energy efficiency, has been certified since 2011. In 2012, hard on the heels of the publication of UNE-EN ISO 50001:2011, we adapted the system to the new, stricter requirements, and Atlantic Copper was the first copper industry firm to earn certification pursuant to the new international standard. Our objective is to become one of the world’s most efficient copper smelters, and to stay that way. To make sure we can, we invest as much in management as we do in technological improvements.

Our environmental investments over the last ten years amounts up to more than 100 million euros. That, combined with environmental awareness of the people that works here, has done the job, and today Atlantic Copper has the same environmental performance standards as the top smelters in Europe.

Our production facilities on the banks of the Odiel River are close to the Marismas del Odiel Natural Park, which has been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. For that reason, we work with the conviction that it is important not only to respect the site, but also to spread the word about its wonders to everybody.

Atlantic Copper is affected by environmental legislation laid down by the European Union, national laws and rules made by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, and Andalusian legislation handed down by the Council of Andalusia’s Department of the Environment and Land Planning. Power over environmental matters is devolved to the Department of the Environment and Land Planning, which is the authority that keeps track of our environmental performance, often in real time.