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Our company plays a fundamental role in the creation of jobs and economic development in Huelva. With a direct workforce of 800 people and an impact that extends to about 2,500 people in total (direct, indirect and derived jobs), we work closely with local suppliers, thus strengthening our local business fabric. Additionally, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our employees, and are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. We value diversity and equal opportunities, and promote an inclusive business culture that fosters mutual respect and supports our employees’ personal and professional development.

Safety and Health, our top priority

We believe that health and safety are an integral and fundamental part of all our organization’s functions, and are essential to our operational efficiency and long-term success.

Our goal is to achieve zero workplace injuries and avoid work-related illness. As part of our commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace, we offer the training, tools and resources necessary to enable our workforce to identify risks and implement effective preventive measures at all times.

We share information on best practices with other Atlantic Copper workplaces and with other industries and professional associations, in addition to lessons learned from accidents, incidents and observed risk situations, to continuously improve our health and safety program.

In addition, we work in collaboration with the competent authorities to avoid events that could affect our environment, analyzing possible scenarios and preparing to act if necessary.

To achieve these objectives, we base our health and safety management on two fundamental concepts:

  • Maintenance of a system implemented under the standards of the international ISO 45001 regulation.
  • Defense of a health and safety culture that permeates all our activities, at all hierarchical levels.

For more information:

Nuestro objetivo es conseguir Cero Accidentes, lesiones y enfermedades profesionales en el lugar de trabajo

Healthy company

To ensure that workforce has a healthy life, we develop outdoor sports and exercise programs and promote a Healthy Organization Plan that reflects our commitment to WHO recommendations on occupational health.

We have implemented a Healthy Organization Management System (SIGOS) applicable to the entire company, which complies with the AENOR Healthy Organization Model.

  • Back School
  • Nutrition School
  • Emotional Wellness Program
  • Cardiovascular Health Program

Diverse, inclusive employment

Some 800 people work at Atlantic Copper directly, in the company’s Huelva and Madrid facilities. One of the most significant features is the high percentage of permanent employment, which amounts to 92%, giving our team a lot of confidence and security.

Our company adresses people’s diversity based on the personal needs and characteristics identified for each individual or group. The policy of economic, social and work benefits for employees plays an essential role In managing our workforce. These benefits include, notably, those deriving from the collective working agreement and the Equality Plan, and employees’ work-family life balance.

Plan for Equality and work-family life conciliation

With regard to the Plan for Equality and work-family life conciliation, the company has established measures that increase maternity and paternity leave by four and two weeks, respectively, in addition to the periods established by law.

  • Extension of factual situations and/or paid leave days.
  • Baby Friendly Program. All company employees participate in this program in the event their family grows due to a new birth.
  • Protocol of collaboration with the Adecco Foundation for workplace integration and the employability improvement of people with disabilities in Atlantic Copper and Plan Familia, a support program for staff with children or spouses with special needs. It provides personalized accompaniment, so they have the best resources for their development and social and labor integration.
En Atlantic Copper nos hemos marcado como objetivo fundamental formar e informar a todos los trabajadores en el ámbito de la seguridad.

The flexibility of the timetable for workers attached to certain jobs is also worth noting; it allows them to adjust their start time to suit their family needs

Sharing our talent

Training and development are key parts of the company’s ongoing improvement, which is achieved through each of its people. At the General Department of Human Resources and Organization we identify our talent needs in the short, medium and long term, seeking our employees’ professional growth or incorporating future workers through selection processes.

  • FP Dual (vocational training) has become one of the training models with the greatest potential to generate talent in the Company, and an opportunity to strengthen alliances with centers of specialized knowledge. Since joining the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training in 2017 we have taught four modalities: Industrial Chemistry, Occupational Risk Prevention, Logistics and Transport and Industrial Mechatronics. These actions are complemented by traineeships in our facilities.
  • Internal training and development: Identification of potential, performance evaluation and organizational needs analysis are aligned through the Global Training Plan and Individual Development Plans with the goal of providing the organization with the talent needed to achieve its strategic objectives and position each employee where they generate the greatest value for the company. This way, we shape professional careers in the company
  • Chair and Master’s Degrees: The relationship with academic institutions is an inexhaustible source of value generation. We work very closely with the University of Huelva and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the Atlantic Copper Chairs, and with the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI).