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The history of copper has always been linked to humanity’s progress. Societies have undergone major changes since beginning to use copper 10,000 years ago for its unique properties: malleability, resistance and durability.  Today, copper is an excellent thermal and electric conductor, 100% recyclable and antimicrobial, and is essential for the challenges of decarbonization, energy transition and sustainable mobility.

Uses of copper

Copper has a wide range of industrial and domestic applications, being used mainly in the following sectors:

Tuberías (fontanería, grifería, calefacción, aire acondicionado), arquitectura, detección de incendios, cableado de casas y edificios, decoración.


Piping (plumbing, bathroom fittings, heating, air conditioning), architecture, fire detection, house and building wiring, decoration.

Cableado de baja y alta tensión, motores, tecnologías de la información.

Electricity and Motors

Low and high voltage wiring, motors, information technologies.

Electrodomésticos, monedas, móviles y ordenadores.

Consumer products

Home appliances, coins, cell phones and computers.

Coches convencionales, eléctricos e híbridos, trenes de alta velocidad, barcos y aviones.


Conventional, electric and hybrid cars, high-speed trains, ships and aircraft.

Condensadores, reactancias, motores, intercambiadores de calor y válvulas.

Industrial Machinery

Capacitors, reactances, motors, heat exchangers and valves.

Construction 28%
Electricity 28%
Consumer products 21%
Transport 12%
Industrial machinery 11%

"We are the foremost refined copper producer in Spain and the third largest smelter and refinery in Europe"

End product


The cathode copper we produce in our metallurgical complex in Huelva achieves 99.99% purity. Most of our refined copper sales go to the manufacture of high-quality copper wire rod, which will then be transformed into wires and cables, mainly for electrical use. Our product is marketed in packs containing approximately 60 pieces, with a total weight of around 3,000 kg.

Certification: Registered on the top four exchanges in the world (LME, COMEX, SHFE and INE).


Copper plate produced by electrolytic deposit on an initial cathode of stainless steel.


High quality cathode.

Rejectable cathode (R).


Specifications of the “Cu-CATH-1 (CR001A)” and “EN 1978:1998” Standard.


According to the E-Re 03, specifications of the “Cu-CATH-1 (CR001A)” and “EN 1978:1998” standard. The designations are:

Designation European Standard No. Material designation
Cathode EN-1978 Cu-CATH-1
Cathode EN-1978 CR001A



  • Compact structure.
  • Non-brittle.
  • Free from the presence of foreign material.
  • Well washed.
  • They will be classified according to the E-In 11 instruction.


Variable, depending on the batch and processing conditions, and may reach up to 60 kg.

They will measure 985 x 930 mm., with a deviation of ± 15 mm, and may be smaller provided that they meet the physical and chemical specifications.


Group Element Specifications (ppm)
Element Group total
1 Selenium 2 3
Tellurium 2
Bismuth 2
2 Chromium 15
Antimony 4
Arsenic 5
3 Lead 5 5
4 Silicon 20
5 Sulfur 15
6 Silver 25

Maximum permitted: 65

Source: EN- 1978:1998 STANDARD

El cobre catódico que producimos en el Complejo Metalúrgico de Huelva tiene una pureza del 99,99%.
Los ánodos son un producto intermedio en la cadena de transformación del cobre. Se comercializa solo el excedente de producción que no va a refinería para la producción de cátodos.


Anodes are an intermediate product in the copper processing chain. Only the surplus production not used for cathode making in the refinery is marketed.


Anodes must meet the following contents per molded load:

Cu > 99 %

As < 2500 ppm

Sb < 550   “

Se < 700   “



  • Lug thickness:                                  33 – 47 mm
  • Distance between lugs:                  1237 – 1253 mm
  • Body thickness:                               45 – 58 mm

Recycled copper

Copper is a metal that can be recycled countless times, without this altering its properties.

  • Currently, more than 30% of the world’s copper consumption comes from recycled sources, while in Europe this figure exceeds 50% (data from Wood Mackenzie, 2023).
  • Recycled copper has many benefits:
    • Copper recycling requires up to 85% less energy than primary production, which, on a global level, represents a savings of 40 million tons of CO2 per year.
    • Reuse of copper in the manufacture of new products makes it possible to reduce the environmental impact caused by the extraction of finite raw materials, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Atlantic Copper has the capacity to process up to 35,000 tons of used copper a year. It comes to us in diverse forms, such as copper pipes and wires, granules, in shavings or coins. Copper granules are also blended with precious metals.

El cobre es un metal que puede reciclarse infinitas veces sin que sus propiedades se vean afectadas.

In data

1,100,000 t

Concentrate melting capacity

35,000 t

Recycled copper melted down per year

285,000 t

Cathode capacity