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Other Products

At Atlantic Copper we also obtain other products with numerous applications, such as iron silicate and granules, nickel carbonate, gypsum or copper telluride.

All of them have many different applications in sectors such as civil engineering works, electric vehicle batteries, capacitors, solar panel manufacturing and the electronics industry.

Iron silicate and granules

Iron silicate is a product obtained by adding silica when the concentrated copper ore is melted, in order to separate the iron from the other components present in the raw material. This process makes it possible to obtain a final product that is chemically stable.


The purpose of this document is to establish the technical specifications for Iron Silicate not intended for CE marking for construction.


This procedure applies to all iron silicate from the electric furnace, whether washed or unwashed, except the unwashed silicate marketed as synthetic aggregate with CE marking. The requirements for that are established in Procedure SH-Pr 01, Manual for the Control of Iron Silicate Production, CE, and in the documents referenced in it.



UNE-EN ISO 11126-3

Safety Data Sheet



Apparent density (overall): This refers to the density in loose granular materials, and would include inter-particle gaps.

Apparent density: This refers to the density of each particle; that is, considering that each particle has water-permeable holes. The clearest example is volcanic rock, which is very porous

Density after drying: Actual material density, with no water in the holes.


    Atlantic Copper iron silicate is a granulated, chemically stable solid. Its typical chemical composition, and limit values where applicable, are as follows:
Cu S Fe3O4 SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Zn Fe Pb CaO
Typical comp. % 1 (26.33) (41.48) 0.3
Limit ≤ 0.7 < 5 < 4 < 0.9 < 2 < 0.6 < 2
Au Ni Cd Co As Sb
Typical comp. ppm 100 200 650 200
Limit < 0.1 < 50 <1500

Iron Silicate has two mineral phases: Olivine (Fe2SiO4) at a concentration of around 90%; and iron oxide and silicon, the remaining 10%.

The existence of spherical structures made up of oxide crystals, included in a matrix of glass-type silicate crystals with no unbound metallic particles, is checked using optical reflection microscopy and transmission microscopy techniques.

It can be ensured that there is no unbound crystallized silica, either in the form of quartz, tridymite or cristobalite, because the melt does not complete its crystallization sequence as a result of the cooling it is subjected to with water at the time of granulation. The last phase that should crystallize is tridymite, but the drop in temperature causes the residual liquid to be transformed into glass, and tridymite does not form.


In general terms, unless there is any other internal or contractual document that indicates otherwise, for a granulometry expressed as Xi – Xs (in mm), these are the specifications:


Upper limit:

A maximum of 10% of the particles are oversized; i.e., they do not pass through the Xs mm sieve.


Lower limit:

A maximum of 10% of the particles are undersized; i.e. they pass through the Xi mm sieve.

Exception: For Xi = 0.2 mm only, the maximum would be 5%, but this is a nominal size that A.C. does not generally offer.



  1.          SPECIFICATIONS


The only chemical composition requirements are the limits shown in the table in the preceding paragraph.


This is a shiny black vitreous material.


Within certain limits, iron silicate granulometry is adapted to commercial needs. So the granulometric specifications can be agreed upon with each client for each case, especially in the case of granules.


Stable, non-toxic and non-hazardous product (not classified as hazardous, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [EU-GHS/CLP]). It is registered in REACH under registration number 01-2119513228-45-0003, as stated in the Safety Data Sheet.



So far, general terms common for all products have been explained. Other specifications for the most common specific uses are listed below, although it should be noted that customers may sometimes make special requests, such as a specific granulometry.


In addition to the limits indicated above, these limits will be met for cements:

S SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Fe Pb CaO
% ≤ 0.7 (27.33) (2, 4) < 0.8 (40, 50) < 0.6 (0.8, 2)
Cr Cr (VI) As
ppm < 400 < 2 < 1500


The abrasive fulfills the requirements of the ISO 11126-3 standard, thus meeting the following specifications:

Property Requirement Units Test Method
Water soluble chlorides < 0.0025 % (m / m) ISO 11127-7
25 ppm
Property Requirement Units Test Method
Unbound crystallized silica content < 1 % (m / m) X-ray diffraction
Apparent density (3.7 to 3.9) ·103 Kg / m3 ISO 11127-3
Hardness > 6 Mohs scale ISO 11127-4
Moisture < 0.2 % (m / m) ISO 11127-5
Conductivity of the aqueous extract < 25 mS / m ISO 11127-6
Asbestos Not present
Unbound crystallized silica Not present
Water absorption <1 %
Components that corrode and weaken the adhesion Not present


Products in compliance with ISO 11126-3 must be referred to as follows:

Abrasive ISO 11126 N/CU/G Xi-Xs.

This nomenclature means the following:

 ISO 11126  N/CU  G  X  X
 Reference standard Non-metallic, Cu slag Grit Particle size range, in mm


Atlantic Copper uses the following designations for these products:

Official name Other designation
ISO 11126 N/CU/G 1.4- 2.8 Abrasive Extra-coarse abrasive (known as “Martinica” by some customers)
ISO 11126 N/CU/G 0.5- 2.8 Abrasive Coarse abrasive (known as “M8” by some customers)
ISO 11126 N/CU/G 0.5- 1.4 Abrasive Fine abrasive (known as “M25” by some customers)

The complete designation must be indicated on all orders.

In addition, there are two other products from the drying and sorting plant. They are not subject to ISO 11126, although their properties are the same as those of abrasives except in terms of particle size:

Name Description
Coarse granules > 3 mm
Fine granules < 0.75 mm
Tuberías (fontanería, grifería, calefacción, aire acondicionado), arquitectura, detección de incendios, cableado de casas y edificios, decoración.

Uses of iron silicate

As an abrasive: Products of different qualities determined by their granulometry. They are used for the blasting of steel and concrete surfaces, under the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 11126-3 standard, and are ideal for obtaining SA-3, SA-2½ and SA-2 surfaces, as well as for light blasting.

Civil engineering works: Product used for fillers and road surfaces. For road surfaces, they have also received the CE mark certified by AENOR, in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN 13242 standard, on aggregates for layers.

As a source of iron: Used in the cement industry for the Clinker production process.

Nickel carbonate

Nickel carbonate is obtained through a precipitation process in our refinery. This process involves the reaction between a nickel solution and a carbonate-containing reagent, which leads to the formation of nickel carbonate as an insoluble solid


Nickel carbonate: Chemical compound with the formula NiCO3, obtained through a process of electrolyte neutralization and precipitation of metals. It is a greenish-colored solid with an Ni content of > 40% on a dry basis and moisture of < 70%.



The chemical composition of nickel carbonate has the following characteristics:

Ni > 40% (dry basis) Fe <   0.4%
Zn <  4% Bi <   0.1%
Ca <  1% SO4 <  10%
Mg <   0.3% Moisture <  70%
Cd < 100 ppm Na <   5%
Cu <  4% Se < 50 ppm
As <  1% Te < 300 ppm



Nickel Carbonate is packaged in bags weighing approximately 1 ton. The bags have an outer layer of raffia cloth, an 800-micron inner plastic bag attached to the entire surface of the outer layer, and an open neck with straps for easy closure. In addition, their four handles have safety guards to prevent fingers from getting trapped during handling operations. These bags measure 1x1x2 meters.

The bags have document pouches on three of their four sides, facilitating correct product labeling. These pouches will hold the product and environmental safety data sheets required for transport.

In addition, each bag is identified with an internal code that gives information about the batches that make It up:

A B followed by a few digits indicates the bag number. A second line shows the batches that make up the bag. The bags are filled on wooden pallets measuring 1.1 x 1.2 meters.

There cannot be any cuts or scratches on the bags, or traces of carbonate or liquid outside the package. Pallets must not be damaged, with broken boards or protruding edges that could damage other bags.

El carbonato de níquel se obtiene mediante un proceso de precipitación en nuestra refinería.
Tuberías (fontanería, grifería, calefacción, aire acondicionado), arquitectura, detección de incendios, cableado de casas y edificios, decoración.

Uses of nickel carbonate

This product is used as a raw material in nickel metal production plants, in the manufacture of catalysts for the petrochemical industry and as an additive in the glass and ceramic industry. In addition, it is used to manufacture stainless steel: it adds strength and corrosion resistance to steel and is used in steel types designed to be less magnetic, as well. It is also used for nickel-plating.

With its ability to handle high temperatures, nickel is present in special steels and superalloys used, for example, in reaction engines.

Nickel compounds are used in batteries, increasingly in the powerful batteries employed in electric vehicles.

Synthetic gypsum

Synthetic gypsum comes from electrolytic solutions treated with calcium hydroxide, obtaining a very homogeneous material with an average calcium sulfate content of 97%. It is easy to handle and totally white.

It is sold ground, in the form of powder.


Gypsum. Hydrated calcium sulfate. Registered in REACH under number 01-2119444917-26-0120


The chemical composition of the commercial gypsum complies with the following limits:

Parameter Limit Units
Purity1 >=90 %
Humidity1 <=30 %
As2 <=0.09 %
Cd2 <=0.005 %
Cu2 <=0.015 %
Ni 2 <=0.005 %
Pb2 <=0.03 %
Fe2 <=0.05 %
Zn2 <=0.03 %
Hg2 <=0.001 %

1 Weekly average
2 Measured on a dry basis. Monthly average

El yeso artificial proviene de las soluciones electrolíticas tratadas con hidróxido cálcico, obteniendo un material muy homogéneo con un contenido medio de sulfato de calcio del 97%, fácilmente manejable, totalmente blanco.
Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas lo hacen idóneo para ser utilizado en los catalizadores de los coches de gasolina y diésel.

Uses of gypsum

Its main use is the cement industry, where it is added to the grinding process as a hardening retarder.

Other uses:

  • It is used as a thermal insulator, because gypsum does not conduct heat and electricity well.
  • In dentistry to make denture molds. For surgical purposes, in the form of splints to immobilize bones and facilitate bone regeneration in a fracture.
  • In the molds used for the preparation and reproduction of sculptures.
  • To make writing chalks.

Copper telluride

Copper telluride is obtained in the processing of the electrolytic slimes generated during copper cathode production.

Tuberías (fontanería, grifería, calefacción, aire acondicionado), arquitectura, detección de incendios, cableado de casas y edificios, decoración.

Uses of copper telluride

This compound is used as a raw material in the production of tellurium. Telluride’s top consumer is the metallurgical industry, for the manufacture of special copper or steel alloys.

Another important application is the manufacture of solar panels and the electronics industry.

Production capacity

700,000 t

Iron silicate

1,500 t

Nickel carbonate

35,000 t
