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Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance is a priority for our company. We are committed to efficient and transparent business management and are aligned with our shareholders policies and procedures.

Board of Directors

Presidente del Consejo de Administración y CEO de Freeport-McMoRan Inc. y Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Atlantic Copper, S.L.U.

Richard C. Adkerson

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atlantic Copper, S.L.U.

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Presidenta y CEO de Freeport-McMoRan Inc.

Kathleen L. Quirk

President of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. and Member of the Board of Directors of Atlantic Copper, S.L.U.

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Consejero Delegado de Atlantic Copper, S.L.U. y Vicepresidente Senior de Marketing y Ventas de Freeport-McMoRan Inc.

Javier Targhetta

President of Atlantic Copper, S.L.U. and Senior Vice President Marketing & Sales of Freeport-McMoRan Inc.

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Senior Management Committee

Directora General

Macarena Gutiérrez

SVP, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Administrator Officer

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Director General de Metalurgia

Carlos Ortiz

Senior Vice President, Metallurgy

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Miguel Palacios

Senior Vice President, Business Development

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Ignacio Fernández

Senior Vice President, Human Resources

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Director General de Auditoría Interna y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

Heliodoro Mariscal

Senior Vice President, Internal Auditing & CSR

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Directora General de Negocio de Ácido Sulfúrico

Conchita García

Senior Vice President, Sulphuric Acid Business

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Directora General de Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad

Esther Alonso

Senior Vice President, Energy Transition and Sustainability

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Director General de Marketing y Ventas

José Jiménez

Senior Vice President, Marketing & Sales

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Directora Asuntos Legales, Compliance Officer y Delegado de Protección de Datos

Natalia Pérez

Attorney. Director of Legal Affairs. Compliance Officer and DPO

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Director de Estrategia y de la División Internacional

Carlos Rich

Strategy Officer and Director International Division

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The following sub-committees exist within the Executive Committee:

  • Appointments and Remunerations Committee. Responsible for submitting nominations to the Board of Directors for staff that will report directly to the Board or any of its members, and for approving appointments to General Management and management positions.
  • Audit Committee. Its mission is to ensure the quality of the Company’s financial information, in particular the Annual Accounts and the annual Management Report, which includes the Statement of Non-Financial Information, to assist the Atlantic Copper Board of Directors in their responsibility of preparing the accounts.
  • Sustainability Committee. Guide and approve Atlantic Copper’s energy and environmental policies, define environmental and decarbonization objectives and guidelines, and monitor the action plans and best practices deriving from the aforementioned policies.

On the other hand, to assess the risks inherent in the business and the environment in which the company operates, the most appropriate management processes are designed and implemented in order to manage and mitigate the material risks and challenges facing the company.

To this end, the Company has a Risk Management Model to establish the control mechanisms and responsibilities deriving from each risk identified. The ultimate aim of this model is to provide reasonable security in achieving strategic, operational, compliance or information objectives.

To track these risks, the company has several committees:

  • Committee on Risk Analysis, Assessment and Monitoring and Sustainable
  • Development Opportunities.
  • Supplier Certification Committee.
  • Coverage Committee.
  • Credit Risk Committee.
  • Responsible Provisioning Committee.
El Comité de Dirección de Atlantic Copper, órgano encargado de definir y desarrollar los planes estratégicos de la Compañía, está formado por siete direcciones generales y dos direcciones.